Higgins Labor RAPS: Simone Weil, Philosopher of Work: In Light of Hi-Tech in the Workplace


Location: Geddes Coffeehouse (View on map.nd.edu)

Join us for "Simone Weil, Philosopher of Work" on Friday, November 17, from 12:30 to 1:30 pm, in the Geddes Hall Coffeehouse. All campus and community members are welcome, and lunch is provided for those who RSVP here.
​​"Simone Weil, Philosopher of Work: In Light of Hi-Tech in the Workplace"
A presentation by E. Jane Doering (Director Emerita of ​ND's ​Teachers as Scholars and author of Simone Weil and the Specter of Self-Perpetuating Force)
Friday | November 17 | 12:30 P.M. | Geddes Hall, Coffee House