SMAC Talk: Conversation with Abe Streep


Location: Andrews Auditorium, Geddes Hall B001 (View on

Abe Streep is the author of Brothers on Three: A True Story of Family, and Hope on a Reservation in Montana. He has written for the New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, Harper's, WIRED, and Outside. His writing has been anthologized in The Best American Sports Writing, and he recieved the 2019 American Mosaic Journalism Prize for deep reporting about underrepresented communities. 

Sports are often framed as entertainment, an escape from daily life. But sometimes a game can represent a great deal more, serving as a venue where historical currents and power dynamics run into one another. This talk will explore journalism's role in reflecting those realities, and the beauty of unresolved complexity in a story about sport.




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