2017 Kobayashi Travel Fund Awardees Announced

Author: Brandi Klingerman


Notre Dame Research has provided four researchers with awards from the Francis M. Kobayashi Travel Fund (KTF) program for 2017. The KTF program was created to provide funding for the initiation of new research by subsidizing travel expenses incurred in the acquisition, analysis and development of data, and/or the consulting of primary materials, collections, or other research resources at off-campus sites.

In describing the awards, Hildegund Müller, Associate Vice President for Research, said, “The KTF program helps lessen the financial burden of travel for Notre Dame researchers. The fund supports our faculty and staff as they work to obtain and analyze necessary resources that advance human understanding through research, scholarship, and creative endeavor.”

The 2017 grant awardees are:

  • Nan Z. Da, assistant professor of English, for travel to China for research titled: “Archival Research for Book Manuscript: Within Formality – China, U.S., and the Uses of Literature 1800-1910.”

  • Kenneth Garcia, associate director of the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, to travel to New York, New York for a project called: “The American Academic Freedom Project: Research in Columbia University Archives.”

  • David Lincicum, associate professor of biblical studies, for a trip to Athens, Greece for the research titled: “Toward a Critical Edition of the Epistle of Barnabas: Autopsy and Collation of a Manuscript in Andros Greece.”
  • Sophie White, associate professor of American studies, for travel to New Orleans, Louisiana for the project called: “Hearing Slaves Speak in Colonial America: Preparatory Work towards an Edition and Translation of Voices of the Voiceless.”

The competition for the KTF program is announced during the spring, with deadlines typically falling in March. For more information, including how to apply for next year’s competition, please visit https://research.nd.edu/our-services/funding-opportunities/faculty/internal-grants-programs/kobayashi-travel-fund/.

Notre Dame Research’s Internal Grants Program supports faculty researchers and programs with the goal of advancing the University’s research enterprise. For more information on research funding opportunities, including the Internal Grants Program, please see research.nd.edu

Brandi Klingerman / Communications Specialist 
Notre Dame Research / University of Notre Dame
bklinger@nd.edu/ 574.631.8183
research.nd.edu / @UNDResearch

About Notre Dame Research:
The University of Notre Dame is a private research and teaching university inspired by its Catholic mission. Located in South Bend, Indiana, its researchers are advancing human understanding through research, scholarship, education, and creative endeavor in order to be a repository for knowledge and a powerful means for doing good in the world. For more information, please see research.nd.edu or @UNDResearch.

Originally published by Brandi Klingerman at research.nd.edu on April 03, 2017.